Prediction Addiction

A coffee stand where algorithms write our future

Do prediction algorithms not only forecast the future but also shape it?

As humans, we have always sought ways to confront the unknown and make sense of the future. From numerology to astrology, we have turned to mysticism to find answers. However, in recent years, we have increasingly relied on algorithms and statistics to guide us. This shift has led to a growing concern that these prediction algorithms not only forecast the future but also shape it.

Prediction Addiction is a coffee stand where algorithms write our future for us developed with Dr. Roy Amit. It utilizes machine vision and AI graph interpolation to spot mystic symbols in the black coffee sediment left in the user's cup. It then tells a generated fortune based on the sediment data and annotates its for the user to read and wonder about his or hers relation between trust and belief in the rising technology.

This project was created and showcased both at the 'Event Horizon' exhibition at the 2023 Design Biennale and the Eretz-Israel Museum in Tel-Aviv, Where I Participated and a creator and as part of the curating group. and also at the 2023 Jeruslam Design Week.