New Line

eye-tracking based reading experience

What if another print revolution were to occur, one that is based on existing and future technology?

New Line is a proposal for a new reading format for long texts over screens. Its design is informed by a study of our eyes’ behavior while reading, and inspired by the development of script and print and a study of innovations in digital typography and text consumption. It responds to the reader through a combination of technologies such as eye tracking, parametric fonts, and all that the computer has to offer as a new printing machine with huge untapped potential. 

What if print were invented in the digital age? Lines, paragraphs, pages, and books have been following us readers since the invention of the printing press and into the age of screens, with no significant changes in shape or format. 

What if another print revolution were to occur, one that is based on existing and future technology? What new typographical patterns are possible in the flexible, responsive, and dynamic digital space? And the bottom line: how can it help us users read?

The project explores the relationship between digital technology and typography, proposing new designs such as reducing the visual load or reading by following a single continuous line; using motion and time to create spaces and borders; and applying eye movement-guided formats for improved orientation and interaction while reading. All those are designed to help the user be a reader in a space of new opportunities.