Who By Water

A Metaphoric Mapping Project

A poetic dashboard that allows users to raise the sea level over the mountainous city of Haifa

Who by Water is a poetic dashboard that allows users to raise the sea level over the mountainous city of Haifa, while displaying infographics indicating the resulting drowned population and neighborhoods. Embodied in the city’s topography, Haifa’s unusual socioeconomic patterns are visualized in this project, questioning society’s vulnerability toward economy and nature, and how they are often faced unequally. The featured interface slices layers of the city’s mountains, presenting them as islands in an imaginary sea. Through illustrating statistics and speculative data, Who by Water offers its visitors an opportunity to reimagine the connections between topography, social class, and identity.

Exhibited at the Jerusalem Design Week 2022 & also as part of the 'Water Affair' exhibition sponsored by the Goethe Institute at the Center of Digital Art Israel.

Created in the Visual Communications masters program at Bezalel academy Jerusalem with the guidance of Guy Saggee.